The spiraling geodesic tube was the clear community choice among four options for pedestrian bridge.

Bridge Columbia | Columbia, Maryland | Powder-Coated Pedestrian Bridge

Four architectural concepts were reviewed and presented to the community to renovate and repair the old chain link-fenced bike and pedestrian span over Rt. 29. Residents voiced overwhelming support for a spiraling geodesic tube surrounded with stainless mesh. In the final design, metal fabric is attached to a round bar frame with mounting tabs on a custom attachment system. Select mesh panels are colored green, blue and white to add to the design. By mixing powder into paint, the coating was applied to the mesh and baked in an oven at high temperatures causing the powder to melt and bleed into the paint. The powder-coating technique provides a long-lasting, weather-resistant barrier that protects against abrasion, scratches, chips, fading and corrosion.

Product Information

> Tartan Mesh

77% open area, 5,043 sq. ft.


Mark Molen, Geometrica

General Contractor

Concrete General